中文姓名: 陳宏斌
職稱: 副教授
最高學歷: 國立成功大學物理學系博士
校內分機: 63326
電子信箱: hongbinchen@gs.ncku.edu.tw
學術成就: https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?hl=zh-TW&user=t8hMw4EAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
實驗室名稱: 量子動力學與資訊科技實驗室
起迄時間 經歷內容/名稱
2012-03-01~2013-02-28 行政院國家科學委員會與德國學術交流總署博士班研究生赴德研究訪問(三明治計畫)
2015-11-01~2019-07-31 國立成功大學物理系 博士後研究員
2019-08-01~2024-01-31 國立成功大學工程科學系 助理教授
2023-01-01~迄今 國家理論科學研究中心學術委員、研究群組1.3召集人、中心科學家
2024-02-01~迄今 國立成功大學工程科學系 副教授
編號 論文名稱
1 Hong-Bin Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Retardation effects in quantum dot systems coupled via one-dimensional waveguides, Optics Communications 284, 4529 (2011).
2 Hong-Bin Chen, Jiun-Yi Lien, Chi-Chuan Hwang, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Long-lived quantum coherence and non-Markovianity of photosynthetic complexes, Physical Review E 89, 042147 (2014).
3 Jiun-Yi Lien*, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Natsuko Ishida, Hong-Bin Chen, Chi-Chuan Hwang, and Franco Nori, Multistability and condensation of exciton-polaritons below threshold, Physical Review B 91, 024511 (2015).
4 Hong-Bin Chen, Neill Lambert, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori, Using non-Markovianity measures to evaluate quantum master equations, Scientific Reports 5, 12753 (2015).
5 Hong-Bin Chen, Jiun-Yi Lien, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Hierarchy of non-Markovianity and k-divisibility phase diagram of quantum processes in open system, Physical Review A 92, 042105 (2015).
6 Hong-Bin Chen, Pin-Yi Chiu, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Vibration-induced coherence enhancement of the performance of a biological quantum heat engine, Physical Review E 94, 052101 (2016).
7 Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Temporal steering in four dimensions with applications to coupled qubits and magnetoreception, Physical Review A 94, 062126 (2016).
8 Hong-Bin Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Thermodynamics description of non-Markovian information flux of nonequilibrium open quantum systems, Physical Review A 96, 062114 (2017).
9 Hong-Bin Chen*, Clemens Gneiting, Ping-Yuan Lo, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori, Simulating Open Quantum Systems with Hamiltonian Ensembles and the Nonclassicality of the Dynamics, Physical Review Letters 120, 030403 (2018).
10 Hong-Bin Chen*, Ping-Yuan Lo, Clemens Gneiting, Joonwoo Bae, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori, Quantifying the nonclassicality of pure dephasing, Nature Communications 10, 3794 (2019).
11 Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Hong-Bin Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen*, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori, Collectively induced exceptional points of quantum emitters coupled to nanoparticle surface plasmons, Physical Review A 101, 013814 (2020).
12 Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen*, Hong-Bin Chen, Franco Nori, Guo-Yong Xiang*, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Experimental demonstration of measurement-device-independent measurement of quantum steering, npj Quantum Information 6, 77 (2020).
13 Hong-Bin Chen* and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Canonical Hamiltonian ensemble representation of dephasing dynamics and the impact of thermal fluctuations on quantum-to-classical transition, Scientific Reports 11, 10046 (2021).
14 Luke W. Smith, Hong-Bin Chen, Che-Wei Chang, Chien-Wei Wu, Shun-Tsung Lo, Shih-Hsiang Chao, I. Farrer, H. E. Beere, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, D. A. Ritchie, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Tse-Ming Chen*, Electrically controllable Kondo correlation in spin-orbit-coupled quantum point contacts, Physical Review Letters 128, 027701 (2022).
15 Hong-Bin Chen*, Effects of symmetry breaking of the structurally-disordered Hamiltonian ensembles on the anisotropic decoherence of qubits, Scientific Reports 12, 2869 (2022).
16 Yu-Chi Chang*, Ting-Yun Wang, and Hong-Bing Chen, Solution-Processed Organic Photodetectors with Renewable Materials, ACS Omega 7, 10622 (2022).
17 Feng-Jui Chan, Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Jui-Sheng Chen, Hong-Bin Chen*, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise, Physical Review A 106, 052201 (2022).
18 Mu-Che Lin, Ping-Yuan Lo, Franco Nori, and Hong-Bin Chen*, Precession-induced nonclassicality of the free induction decay of NV centers by a dynamical polarized nuclear spin bath, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 505701 (2022).
19 Yun-Hua Kuo and Hong-Bin Chen*, Adaptively partitioned analog quantum simulation on near-term quantum computers: The nonclassical free-induction decay of NV centers in diamond, Physical Review Research 5, 043139 (2023).
20 Hong-Ming Wang, Huan-Yu Ku*, Jie-Yien Lin, and Hong-Bin Chen*, Deep learning the hierarchy of steering measurement settings of qubit-pair states, Communications Physics 7, 72 (2024).
21 Chan Hsu, Yu-Chien Kao, Hong-Bin Chen, Shih-Hsuan Chen, Che-Ming Li*, Photonic non-Markovianity identification by quantum process capabilities of non-CP processes, Advanced Quantum Technologies 7, 2300246 (2024).
22 Hong-Bin Chen, Cheng-Hua Liu, Kuan-Lun Lai, Bor-Yann Tseng, Ping-Yuan Lo, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Chi-Hua Yu*, Unveiling the nonclassicality within quasi-distribution representations through deep learning, Quantum Science and Technology 10, 015029 (2025).
編號 論文名稱
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
1 量子動力學過程中展現出的非古典性 國科會案件 2019 - 2021
2 量子動力學映射的多重正則哈密頓量係綜集合表示法 國科會案件 2020 - 2022
3 量子科技科普與教學網絡推動計畫-雲嘉南區科普教育推廣計畫 國科會案件 2021 - 2022
4 非阿貝爾代數構成的哈密頓量系綜集合中的不同的對稱程度及其影響 國科會案件 2021 - 2022
5 用於模擬量子元件的深度學習輔助數位式量子模擬混合演算法 國科會案件 2022 - 2025
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
編號 專書名稱 作者 年份
1 量子科技入門[全華圖書] 黃琮暐、余怡青、陳宏斌、鄭宜帆 2022
編號 專利名稱 專利權人 年份
編號 技轉名稱 技轉對象 年份
編號 榮譽事項 年份
1 國家理論科學研究中心物理組博士後研究論文獎 2018
2 科技部博士後研究人員學術著作獎 2018
3 工學院研究日-青年學者論文競賽-第一名 2021
4 指導碩士生郭橒樺,榮獲 2022 Qiskit 量子計算黑客松 (Qiskit Hackathon Taiwan 2022) 競賽第三名 2022
5 指導碩士生蔡政霖,榮獲 2023 Qiskit 量子計算黑客松 (Qiskit Hackathon Taiwan 2023) 競賽第三名 2023
6 113年工學院「明日之星」研究獎助計畫 2024
7 指導之研究生黃祥瑋、楊聖亮,榮獲敏求智慧運算學院第二屆「智慧運算創新應用」專題實作競賽創新運算組銅獎 2024
編號 活動名稱 活動類型 年份
1 2017量子資訊年輕學者論壇承辦人 學術研討會 2017
2 2018量子資訊年輕學者論壇承辦人 學術研討會 2018
3 2022量子資訊年輕學者論壇主辦人 https://phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw/act/actnews/Young-28197531/home/introduction 學術研討會 2022
4 2023台德量子資訊年輕學者論壇主辦人 https://phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw/en/act/actnews/Taiwanese-17030498/home/introduction 學術研討會 2023
5 2023 RIKEN-KAIST-NCTS Joint Workshop on QIS 主辦人 https://phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw/en/act/actnews/RIKEN-87536306/home/introduction 學術研討會 2023