編號 |
論文名稱 |
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The effect of aspect ratio on vortex shedding patterns of circular cylinders at a low Reynolds number,ISFMYM,0,0,1988,00,
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Characteristics of Low-Frequency Variations Embedded in Vortex Shedding Process,(SCI),Journal of Fluids and Structure Vol.13,0,0,1999,00,pp.339-359
3 |
Branching of a horseshoe vortex around surface-mounted rectangular cylinders,(SCI),Experiments in Fluids, v28,0,0,2000,00,pp.394-402
4 |
Response of a vortex Flowmeter to Impulsive Vibrations,(EI,SCI),Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol.11,0,0,2000,00,pp.41-49
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Performance of a Vortex Shedding Flowmeter Downstream of Single Elbow and Double Elbows Out-of-Plane,Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, V.22, No.6,0,0,2001,00,pp.515-525
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An Experimental Investigation on the Acoustic Excitation of a Thin Plate by Low-speed Jets,(EI,SCI),J. of Sound and Viberation246(2),0,0,2001,00,199-209 Taiwan’s Higher Education in Transition: A Personal View, Ritsumeikan,Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, V.8,0,0,2001,00,pp.68-79
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Delta-wing leading-edge vortex subjected to jet blowing,(EI),Zhongguo Hangkong Taikong Xuehui Huikan/Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, V34,0,0,2002,03,p 57-68
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Correction of 2D transonic wind tunnel wall interference using the porosity parameter method,(EI),Zhongguo Hangkong Taikong Xuehui Huikan/Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China V34,0,0,2002,06,p 143-151
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Instantaneous vortex-shedding behaviour in periodically varying flow,(SCI),P ROY SOC LOND A MAT,0,0,2002,00,458 (2002): 911
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A study on signal quality of a vortex flowmeter downstream of two elbows out-of-plane,(EI),Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,,0,0,2002,06,p 57-85
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A study on signal quality of a vortex flowmeter downstream of two elbows out-of-plane,(EI),Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,0,0,2002,00,75-85
12 |
Instantaneous vortex-shedding behaviour in periodically varying flow,(SCI),P ROY SOC LOND A MAT,0,0,2002,00,458: 911-932
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Low-frequency fluctuations in the near-wake region of a trapezoidal cylinder with low aspect rati,(EI,SCI),JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES,0,0,2003,04,17 (5): 701-715