編號 |
論文名稱 |
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Che-Ming Li, Chi-Chuan Hwang, Jin-Yuan Hsieh, and Kuo-Shong Wang, “General phasematching condition for a quantum searching algorithm”, Physical Review A, Vol. 65, 034305 (2002).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh and Che-Ming Li, “General SU(2) formulation for quantum searching with certainty “, Physical Review A, Vol. 65, 052322 (2002).
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Yueh-Nan Chen, Tobias Brandes, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “Zeno effect and shot noise spectrum of superradiant entangled excitons”, Physical Review B, Vol. 69, 245323 (2004).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “A simplification of entanglement purification”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 328, 94 (2004).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “Formulation of a Family of Sure-Success Quantum Search Algorithms”, International Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 2, No. 3, 285 (2004).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “An improved phase error tolerance in quantum search algorithm ”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 42, No. 5, 585 (2004).
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Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen, C-W Luo, Jin-Yuan Hsieh, and Der-San Chuu, “W state generation and effect of cavity photons on the purification of dot-like single quantum well excitons”, International Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 3, Issue 1 supp, 111 (November 2005).
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Li-Yi Hsu and Che-Ming Li, “Quantum secret sharing using product states”, Physical Review A, Vol. 71, 022321 (2005).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “Hamiltonian and measuring time for analog quantum search”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 74, No. 11, 2495 (November 2005).
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Yueh-Nan Chen, Che-Ming Li, Der-San Chuu, and Tobias Brandes, “Proposal for teleportation of charge qubits via super-radiance”, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 7, 172 (2005).
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Y. Y. Liao, Yueh-Nan Chen, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “Rotational entangled states between two coupled molecules”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. Vol. 39, No 2, 421 (28 January 2006).
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Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Che-Ming Li, and Der-San Chuu, “Simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit error correction”, New Journal of Physics Vol. 8, 80 (2006).
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Che-Ming Li, Jin-Yuan Hsieh, and Der-San Chuu, “On a family of quantum search algorithms robust against phase imperfections”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 45, No. 6-I, 637 (2007).
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Che-Ming Li, Li-Yi Hsu, Yueh-Nan Chen, Der-San Chuu, and Tobias Brandes, “Entanglement detection via condition of quantum correlation”, Physical Review A, Vol. 76, 032313 (2007).
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Kai Chen, Che-Ming Li, Qiang Zhang, Yu-Ao Chen, Alexander Goebel, Shuai Chen, Alois Mair, and Jian-Wei Pan, “Experimental Realization of One-Way Quantum Computing with Two-Photon Four-Qubit Cluster States”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, 120503 (2007).
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Che-Ming Li, Li-Yi Hsu, and Der-San Chuu, “Efficient quantum secret encryption and decryption in cavity QED”. International Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 7, 681 (2009).
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Claudia Wagenknecht**, Che-Ming Li**, Andreas Reingruber, Xiao-Hui Bao, Alexander Goebel, Yu-Ao Chen, Qiang Zhang, Kai Chen, Jian-Wei Pan, “Experimental Demonstration of a Heralded Entanglement Source”, Nature Photonics, Vol. 4, 549 (2010). (**contributed equally in this work)
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Che-Ming Li, Kai Chen, Andreas Reingruber, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan, “Verifying Genuine High-order Entanglement”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, 210504 (2010).
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Jun-Liang Chen, Che-Ming Li, Chi-Chuan Hwang, and Yi-Hui Ho, “The Operations of Quantum Logic Gates with Pure and Mixed Initial States”, The Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 134, 134103 (2011).
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Xiao-Hui Bao, Xiao-Fan Xu, Che-Ming Li, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, Chao-Yang Lu, and Jian-Wei Pan, “Quantum teleportation between remote atomic ensembles”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Vol. 109, 20347 (2012).
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Guang-Yin Chen, Che-Ming Li, and Yueh-Nan Chen, “Generating maximum entanglement under asymmetric couplings to surface plasmons”, Optics Letters, Vol. 37, 1337 (2012).
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Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori, “Delocalized single-photon Dicke states and the Leggett-Garg inequality in solid state systems”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 2, Article number: 869 (2012). doi:10.1038/srep00869
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Che-Ming Li*, Neill Lambert*, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori, “Witnessing Quantum Coherence: from solid-state to biological systems”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 2, Article number: 885 (2012). doi:10.1038/srep00885
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Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori, “Quantum biology”, Nature Physics, Vol. 9, 10 (2013).
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Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori, “Rerouting excitation transfers in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex”, Physical Review E, Vol. 88, 032120 (2013).
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Guang-Yin Chen, Shin-Liang Chen, Che-Ming Li*, and Yueh-Nan Chen*, “Examining non locality and quantum coherent dynamics induced by a common reservoir”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, Article number: 2514 (2013). doi:10.1038/srep02514.
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Yueh-Nan Chen, Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori, “Entanglement swapping and testing quantum steering into the past via superradiance”, Physical Review A, Vol. 88, 052320 (2013).
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Yueh-Nan Chen*, Che-Ming Li*, Neill Lambert, Shin-Liang Chen, Yukihiro Ota, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori, “A temporal steering inequality”, Physical Review A, Vol. 89, 032112 (2014).
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Che-Ming Li*, Kai Chen*, Yueh-Nan Chen, Qiang Zhang, Yu-Ao Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan*, “Genuine High-Order Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 115, 010402 (2015).
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Che-Ming Li*, Yueh-Nan Chen, Neill Lambert, Ching-Yi Chiu, and Franco Nori, “Certifying single-system steering for quantum-information processing”, Physical Review A, Vol. 92, 062310 (2015).
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Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Franco Nori, “Quantifying non-Markovianity with temporal steering”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 116, 020503 (2016).
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Hsin-Pin Lo**, Che-Ming Li*,**, Atsushi Yabushita*, Yueh-Nan Chen, Chih-Wei Luo, and Takayoshi Kobayashi*, “Experimental violation of Bell inequalities for multi-dimensional systems”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, Article number: 22088 (2016). doi:10.1038/srep22088 (**Contributed equally to this work)
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Ching-Yi Chiu, Neill Lambert, Teh-Lu Liao, Franco Nori and Che-Ming Li*, “No-cloning of quantum steering”, npj Quantum Information, Vol. 2, Article number: 16020 (2016). doi: 10.1038/npjqi.2016.20
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Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Adam Miranowicz, and Franco Nori, “Spatio-Temporal Steering for Testing Nonclassical Correlations in Quantum Networks”, Scientific Reports Vol. 7, Article number: 3728 (2017).
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Jen-Hsiang Hsien, Shih-Hsuan Chen, Che-Ming Li*, “Quantifying Quantum-Mechanical Processes”, Scientific Reports Vol. 7, Article number: 13588 (2017).
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Wei-Ting Lee and Che-Ming Li*, “Revealing Tripartite Quantum Discord with Tripartite Information”, Entropy Vol. 19, 602 (2017).
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Che-Ming Li*, Hsin-Pin Lo, Liang-Yu Chen, and Atsushi Yabushita, “Experimental verification of multidimensional quantum steering”, Optics Communications, Vol. 410, 956 (2018).