編號 |
論文名稱 |
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Design of an Electronic Hospital Bedside-Card System Using RFID and DVB-MHP Platform,The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,Taiwan, R.O.C.,Kaoshiung,2009,
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A Single-Trace Cycle Collection for Reference Counting Systems,The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and NetworksThe 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,Taiwan,Kaoshiung,2009,Pages: 40-45
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A Portable Feather-Weight Java-based Graphic Library for Embedded Systems on Java Processor,The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,Japan,Kyoto,2009,Pages: 998-1001
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A Try Before You Buy Approach for Networked Digital Home Appliances and Services,IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2009.
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Design of an In-Vehicle Anti-Theft Component,IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications,0,pages 566-569
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Improvement of SCTP Performance during Handshake Process,22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops, (AINAW 2008),pages 445-450
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Personalized iDTV Program in Multimedia Home Platform,22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops, (AINAW 2008),pages 473-476
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Efficient Deinterlacing Algorithm using Directional Interpolation,Proc. Of the 14th International Display Workshops (IDW 07),Japan,Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo,2007,pp.1451-1454
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Hierarchical Key Management of Scalable Video Coding,Proc. 2007 Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2007,pp. 399-402
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A Security Module for Car Appliances,Proceedings of World Academy of Science, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 26 DECEMBER 2007 ISSN 1307-6884,2007,
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Resource-aware service deployment for open service gateway in home network,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-4
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A Cross-layered Diagnostician in OSGi Platform for Home Network,Proc. Of the 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2007),Taiwan,Taipei,
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Based on cryptosystem secure communication between set-top box and smart card in DTV broadcasting,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-5
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Analysis and simulation for a novel single-switch single-stage AC/DC converter,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-4
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Advanced OSGi Security Layer. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops,AINAW '07. 21st International Conference on Volume 2,2007,pages 518-523
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State-oriented based smart card internet access framework,TENCON 2007 - 2007 IEEE Region 10 Conference,2007,pages 1-4
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A Collaboration Proxy for Converging UPnP and Jini Devices Based on OSGi,4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference,2007,pages 916-919
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Pluggable RFID components and a Lightweight RFID System based on OSGi,Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2007,2007,pages 1-2
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A Lightweight Cyclic Reference Counting Algorithm, Volume 3947,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Taiwan,Taichung,2006,pages 346-359
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An Improved Vector Quantizer Design Method: the Codebook Reorganization Algorithm, ISBN: 978-90-78677-01-7,Proceedings of Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (JCIS-2006)
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An Efficient Secure Communication between Set-top Box and Smart Card in DTV Broadcasting,ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security(ASIACCS'06),2006,Pages 360-360
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Maintaining Coverage by Progressive Crystal-Lattice Permutation in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks,2006 International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications,2006,page 42-43
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A Quick XML Parser for Extracting Signatures of Secure Web Services,Tn Conference of the Computer and Information Technology,2005,pages 1093-1098
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A Modified User Authentication Scheme Using Hash Functions,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005)Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju,2005,pp.643-644
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DES and RSA Cryptosystem-based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju.,2007,pp.645-646,
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Ting-Wei Hou and Jiun-Tze Lai,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju,2005,
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Two Control Computation Transformation Methods for Obfuscating Java Soft Software,Web Technologies, Applications, and Services,2005,pages 48-52
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A Steel Nuts Inventory MIS using Web-based Technologies,Web Technologies, Applications, and Services,2005,pages 177-181
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A Web-based Raw-Material Management Information System for the Steel Nuts Industry,2nd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems,Hong Kong,2004,pages 81-86
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An AV object oriented encryption algorithm for MPEG-4 streams,In Conference of the Multimedia and Expo,Taiwan,Taipei,2004,pages 971-974
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Three Methods of Control Flow Obfuscation on Java Software,International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,TAIPEI,2004,pages 4-9
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Changing Data Type Method of Data Obfuscation on Java Software,International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,TAIPEI,2004,pages 5-6
33 |
Distributed and Parallel Execution of Java programs On a DSM System,Proceedings of International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid,Australia,South Brisbane,2001,pages 555-559
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The Outlines And Prospects of Pilot Taiwan Health IC Card Project -- The Penghu (Pescadores) Experiment,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences,USA,Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada,2001,pages 215-221
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Implementing FISC IC Card Specification and Developing Health Care Application Using Java Card,In Conference of the Multimedia Software Engineering,Taipei,2000,pages 184-192
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The Pilot Taiwan Health IC Card Project: The Penghu(Pescadores) Experiment,Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2000, (SCI2000), volume X, Concepts and Applications of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,U.S.A.,Orlando, Florida,2007,pp.308-312
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COOK: a Composable Object-Oriented Kernel,Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2000, (SCI2000), volume II,Information Systems Development,U.S.A,Orlando, Florida,2007,pp.395-400
38 |
Just Another Java Virtual Machine,In Proceedings of 14th Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-14),Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Tsing Hua University, Hisnchu,2000,5A-2.1-5A-2.7
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Design, and Implementation of a Java ExecutionEnvironment,Proc. Of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, (ICPADS’98),Taiwan,Tainan,1999,pp.686~692
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Operating System and JIT Support for a Java Virtual Machine,Proceedings of the Conference of Knowledge Economy and Information Technology,China,Hanchou,1998,
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Solving Location Problem of a Mobile Host by an Agent Group,PIMRC'96 proceedings volume 2,Taiwan,Taipei,1996,pp.708-712
42 |
System Architectures of Distributed Shared Memory Systems: Research and Design,Proc. of 1992 International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,Taichung,1992,pp. 158-165
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MHP Middleware與 OSGi整合家用多媒體裝置以UPnPAV設計與實作,數位生活科技研討會(Credit 2007),台灣,成功大學, 台南,2007
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MHP Middleware與OSGi車載服務系統之設計與實現,第十七屆物件導向研討會,長庚大學, 桃園,2006
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Weaknesses and Improvements of Secure Communication between Set-top Box and Smart Card in DTV Broadcasting,第16屆全國資訊安全會議,2006
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探討無失真音效壓縮格式與實作網路串流媒體付費機制,2006年國際電腦音樂與音訊技術研討會,台灣,台南國立台灣師範大學,2006,pp. 46-53
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Integration and Combination of MHP and OSGi,數位生活科技研討會 (Credit 2006)
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從著作權法分析使用BT傳輸軟體之刑事責任及電腦鑑識程序初探,數位生活科技研討會 (Credit 2006)
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The Improvement of VoIP QoS over MPLS Network,Proceeding of Mobile Computing Workshop 2006,Taiwan,Taichung,2006,p. 617-622
51 |
An Active Emerging Infectious Disease On-Line Surveillance Mechanism Based on NHI IC cards(2005 best paper award.),MIST2005,醫療資訊會議
52 |
Software Watermarking Toward Anti-additive Attack for Java,第15屆資訊安全會議,2005,pp.28
53 |
Tamper-proofing of Java Programs by Oblivious Hashing,The Eleventh Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing,2005
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55 |
Java Card 微處理器的設計與實作,Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,臺中健康暨管理學院,2002,pp. 495-499
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智慧卡作業系統的驗證,Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,臺中健康暨管理學院,2002,pp. 67-72
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An XML Parser for Embedded Applications,2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,2002
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Design and Implementation of a Java Card Execution Environment,2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,2002,
59 |
Design and Implementation of the Java Abstract Window Toolkit for the Embedded Java Runtime Environment,Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applicatins,Taiwan,Natinal Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,pp. 225-230
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The Design and Implementation of a Java-based Card Reader For IC Cards,(session 4D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan R.O.C. ,2001,
61 |
Design and Develop a Web-based Raw-Material Management Information System for the Nuts Industry,Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan,2001,pp. 265-269.
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The Design and Implementation of a Java-based Card Reader For IC Cards,(session 4D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,
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中國鋼鐵公司的電子商務發展(session 1D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,
64 |
65 |
A Component Manager for a Composable Object-Oriented Kernel,第十一屆物件導向技術及應用研討會論文集,東海大學,2000,p.C-30~C-37
66 |
移植Java Virtual Machine的研究與經驗,2000年網際網路與分散式系統研討會(Proceedings of 2000 Workshop on Internet & Distributed Systems, WIND2000),Taiwan, R.O.C,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2000,75-82
67 |
Transforming Bytecodes of Java Loops for a Distributed Shared Memory System,Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing,Taiwan,National Sun Yat-Sun University, Kaoshiung,2000,pp.63-71
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Quick_link: Java Virtual Machine中Quick Instruction替代方案,第十屆物件導向技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications),Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Chiao-Tung University, Hisnchu,1999,pp.84-93.
69 |
JCA: Java Class轉譯環境,1999分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications),Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,1999,pp.753-762.
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支援Java平行計算之PC-Cluster原型,1999分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications),Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,1999,pp.603-608.
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應用於嵌入式JAVA虛擬機器之虛擬平台的規格與實作,1998分散式系統技術及應用研討會,1998,pp. 1~9
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分散式平行計算程式之通訊軌跡收集與應用,1998分散式系統技術及應用研討會,1998,pp. 376~384
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A Multicast Wormhole Router for Ring-Clustered PCs,Proceedings of 1997 VLSI/CAD Symposium,Taiwan,Taichun,1997,
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物件導向通訊系統-ORDERS之經驗,Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Applications,Taiwan,Tainan,1996,pp.242-251
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分散式物件導向執行平台之建構,Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Applications,Taiwan,Tainan,1996,pp.232-241
78 |
O2MK : An Object-Oriented Microkernel,The Sixth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Application,Taiwan,Taichung,1995,pp.129-137
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ORDERS共享空間與虛擬記憶體管理系統,1995 Workshop on High Performance Multiprocessor Systems,Taiwan,1995,pp.37-43
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在Parton Kernel上即時排程器的設計與實現(The Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Scheduler for Parton Kernel),First Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems,Taiwan, ROC.,Taipei,1995,
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一個支援設計及時作業系統的物件導向微核心,First Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems,Taiwan,Taipei ,1995,pp.379-385
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ORDERS 物件導向通訊伺服器之設計與實現,Proceedings of 1995 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications,Taiwan,1995,pp.31-40
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Design and Experiment of Routing Schemes for 2D Torus Message Passing Network,Proceedings of the First Workshop on Parallel Processing,Taiwan,Hsin Chu,1990,
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An Adaptive Deadlock-free Router for Trous Interconnect Multicomputers,Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.714-722
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Incomplete Low-dimensional Torus,Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.650-656
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支援 MACRO C 之併行處理環境,Proceedings of National Computer Sumposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.650-656
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VMM86: A Virtual Machine Monitor on 80386 for Virtualizing 8086 based Systems,Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1986,Taiwan,Taipei,1986,pp.660-668
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A Virtual Machine Monitor for Multi-micro Systems,Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1985,Taiwan,Kaohsiung,1985,pp.340-348