中文姓名: 侯廷偉
職稱: 教授
最高學歷: 國立成功大學電機系博士
校內分機: 63334
電子信箱: houtw@ncku.edu.tw
學術成就: https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/en/persons/ting-wei-hou
實驗室名稱: 網路計算實驗室
起迄時間 經歷內容/名稱
1990-08-01~2010-07-01 國立成功大學工程科學系副教授
1993-10-01~1994-07-01 伊利諾大學電腦系統研發中心訪問學者
1997-01-01~1997-06-01 資策會技研處顧問
2001-09-01~2002-02-01 中央健保局資訊處審查委員
2004-08-01~2009-05-01 國立成功大學研究總中心電腦與自動化中心主任
2006~2006 中央健保局資訊處健保IC卡標案審查委員
2007-08-01~2014-07-71 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院資訊室主任
2010-08-01~迄今 國立成功大學工程科學系教授
2015-08-01~迄今 工程科學系 系主任
編號 論文名稱
1 A hybrid public key infrastructure solution (HPKI) for HIPAA privacy/security regulations,SCI,Computer Standards & Interfaces,32-5-6,0,2010,10,Pages 274-280
2 A novel discrete dimmable electronic ballast, (和趙健明教授共同指導),SCI,IEICE Electronics Express,7-6,0,2010,03,Pages 403-409
3 Applying data mining to explore the risk factors of parenting stress,SCI,Expert Systems with Applications,37-1,0,2010,01,Pages: 598-601
4 A simple single-switch single-stage AC/DC converter with harmonic current correction, (和趙健明教授共同指導),SCI,IEICE Electronics Express,6-24,0,2009,12,Pages 1757-1763
5 A Service-Layer Diagnostic Approach for the OSGi Framework,SCI,IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,55-4,0,2009,11,Pages 1973-1981
6 Classification and Evaluation of Middleware Collaboration Architectures for Converging MHP and OSGi in a Smart Home,SCI,Journal of Information Science and Engineering,25-5,0,2009,09,Pages 1337-1356
7 A Graph-based Approach for Automatic Service Activation and Deactivation on the OSGi Platform,SCI,IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,55-3,0,2009,08,Pages 1271-1279
8 Concurrent Error Detection and Correction in Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier over GF(2m),SCI,IEEE Transactions on Computers,58-6,0,2009,06,Pages 851-857
9 A Knowledge-based Inference Multicast Protocol using Adaptive Fuzzy Petri Nets,SCI,Expert Systems With Applications,36-4,0,2009,05,Pages 8115-8123
10 Adaptive and Intelligent Path Discovery On-demand for Wireless Networks using Service-composition,SCI,Expert Systems With Applications,36-4,0,2009,05,Pages 8667-8675
11 A controllable and accountable state-oriented Card-Aided Firewall,SCI,Computer Standards & Interfaces,31-1,0,2009,01,pages 66-76
12 Adaptive two-way uniform partition for multicast routing problem with separate paths in ad hoc networks,SCI,Expert Systems with Applications,36-1,0,2009,01,pages 959-969
13 An efficient directional interpolated algorithm for video deinterlacing,IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS,6-5,0,2009,03,Pages: 211-217
14 Concurrent error detection and correction in dual basis multiplier over GF(2(m)),SCI,IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS,3-1,0,2009,02,Pages: 22-40
15 A wrapper and broker model for collaboration between a set-top box and home service gateway,SCI,IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,54-3,0,2008,08,pages 1123 - 11
16 Pocket EZPIN device for healthcare IC cards to enhance the security and convenience of senior citizens,SCI,Computers in Biology and Medicine,38-4,0,2008,04,pages 411-415
17 Using Healthcare IC cards to Manage the Drug Doses of Chronic Disease Patients(和趙健明教授共同指導),SCI,Computers in Biology and Medicine,37-2,0,2007,02,pp.206-213
18 A Security Module for Car Appliances,International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering (IJMSSE) (ISSN 1307-7473),1-3,0,2007,00,pages 155-160
19 Design and prototype of a mechanism for active on-line emerging/notifiable infectious diseases control, tracking and surveillance, based on a national healthcare card system,SCI,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,86-2,0,2007,05,pages 161-170
20 An anomaly in an interpreter using GCC source-code-level register allocation,SCI,ACM SIGPLAN Notices,42-4,0,2007,04,
21 Adaptive arrival rate dependent traffic balancing with redundancy,SCI,Computer Communications ,30-6,0,2007,03,pages 1220-1228
22 A simple and efficient algorithm for cycle collection,SCI,ACM SIGPLAN Notices,42-3,0,2007,03,
23 Tamper-proofing basis path by using oblivious hashing on Java,SCI,ACM SIGPLAN Notices,42-2,0,2007,02,
24 Using Healthcare IC Cards to manage the drug doses of chronic disease patients,SCI,Computers in Biology and Medicine,37-2,0,2007,02,pages 206-213
25 Reliable cross-layer multicast with local backtracking for improving transmission control protocol performance in ad hoc networks,SCI,IET COMMUNICATIONS,1-5,0,2007,10,Pages: 887-892
26 Three Control Flow Obfuscation methods on Java Software, [SCI; NSC 93-2213-E-006-105],SCI,IEE Proc. Software,153-2,0,2006,04,pp.80-86
27 Three Control Flow Obfuscation methods for Java Software, ISBN 1462-5970,SCI,IEE Proceedings Software,153-2,0,2006,04,pages 80-86
28 A Partition Network Model for ad hoc Networks in Overlay Environments,SCI,Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput,0,0,2006,00,pages 6:711-725
29 Instruction-coated translation: an approach to restructure directly threaded interpreters with low cohesion,SCI,ACM SIGPLAN Notices,41-8,0,2009,08,pages 29-33
30 A Lightweight Cyclic Reference Counting Algorithm,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),3947,0,2006,05,pages 346-359
31 Instruction-coated Translation: An Approach to Restructure Directly Threaded Interpreters with Low Cohesion,SCI,to appear in SIGPLAN Notices,41(8),0,2006,08,
32 A Lightweight Cyclic Referece Counting Algorithm,SCI,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),3947,0,2006,05,
33 An Efficient Encoding Tree for Location-Aware Multicast Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,EI,Journal of Internet Technology,6-1,1,2005,00,
34 Evaluation of sequential-in-random -out memory device,IEE Electronic Letters,31,8,1995,04,pp.620-621
35 Adaptive and Fault-tolerant Routing Algorithm for High Performance 2D Torus interconnection Network,Computer & Mathematics with Applications,23,1,1992,00,pp.3-15
36 Design of wormhole router for distributed memory multiprocessors,IEE Electronic Letters,27,5,1991,12,pp.2385-2387
37 無線射頻識別票據可行性研究, (ISSN 1996-2568),Internaltional Journal of Advanced Information Technologies (IJAIT),1,1,2007,10,pp. 90-99
38 整合式車輛晶片卡之研究,車輛工程月刊,155,0,2007,01,pp.39~48
編號 論文名稱
1 Design of an Electronic Hospital Bedside-Card System Using RFID and DVB-MHP Platform,The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,Taiwan, R.O.C.,Kaoshiung,2009,
2 A Single-Trace Cycle Collection for Reference Counting Systems,The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and NetworksThe 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,Taiwan,Kaoshiung,2009,Pages: 40-45
3 A Portable Feather-Weight Java-based Graphic Library for Embedded Systems on Java Processor,The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,Japan,Kyoto,2009,Pages: 998-1001
4 A Try Before You Buy Approach for Networked Digital Home Appliances and Services,IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2009.
5 Design of an In-Vehicle Anti-Theft Component,IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications,0,pages 566-569
6 Improvement of SCTP Performance during Handshake Process,22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops, (AINAW 2008),pages 445-450
7 Personalized iDTV Program in Multimedia Home Platform,22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops, (AINAW 2008),pages 473-476
8 Efficient Deinterlacing Algorithm using Directional Interpolation,Proc. Of the 14th International Display Workshops (IDW 07),Japan,Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo,2007,pp.1451-1454
9 Hierarchical Key Management of Scalable Video Coding,Proc. 2007 Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2007,pp. 399-402
10 A Security Module for Car Appliances,Proceedings of World Academy of Science, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 26 DECEMBER 2007 ISSN 1307-6884,2007,
11 Resource-aware service deployment for open service gateway in home network,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-4
12 A Cross-layered Diagnostician in OSGi Platform for Home Network,Proc. Of the 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2007),Taiwan,Taipei,
13 Based on cryptosystem secure communication between set-top box and smart card in DTV broadcasting,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-5
14 Analysis and simulation for a novel single-switch single-stage AC/DC converter,IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2007,pages 1-4
15 Advanced OSGi Security Layer. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops,AINAW '07. 21st International Conference on Volume 2,2007,pages 518-523
16 State-oriented based smart card internet access framework,TENCON 2007 - 2007 IEEE Region 10 Conference,2007,pages 1-4
17 A Collaboration Proxy for Converging UPnP and Jini Devices Based on OSGi,4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference,2007,pages 916-919
18 Pluggable RFID components and a Lightweight RFID System based on OSGi,Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2007,2007,pages 1-2
19 A Lightweight Cyclic Reference Counting Algorithm, Volume 3947,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Taiwan,Taichung,2006,pages 346-359
20 An Improved Vector Quantizer Design Method: the Codebook Reorganization Algorithm, ISBN: 978-90-78677-01-7,Proceedings of Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (JCIS-2006)
21 An Efficient Secure Communication between Set-top Box and Smart Card in DTV Broadcasting,ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security(ASIACCS'06),2006,Pages 360-360
22 Maintaining Coverage by Progressive Crystal-Lattice Permutation in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks,2006 International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications,2006,page 42-43
23 A Quick XML Parser for Extracting Signatures of Secure Web Services,Tn Conference of the Computer and Information Technology,2005,pages 1093-1098
24 A Modified User Authentication Scheme Using Hash Functions,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005)Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju,2005,pp.643-644
25 DES and RSA Cryptosystem-based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju.,2007,pp.645-646,
26 Ting-Wei Hou and Jiun-Tze Lai,Proc. of the 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), Vol. 2,Korea,The Shilla Hotel, Jeju,2005,
27 Two Control Computation Transformation Methods for Obfuscating Java Soft Software,Web Technologies, Applications, and Services,2005,pages 48-52
28 A Steel Nuts Inventory MIS using Web-based Technologies,Web Technologies, Applications, and Services,2005,pages 177-181
29 A Web-based Raw-Material Management Information System for the Steel Nuts Industry,2nd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems,Hong Kong,2004,pages 81-86
30 An AV object oriented encryption algorithm for MPEG-4 streams,In Conference of the Multimedia and Expo,Taiwan,Taipei,2004,pages 971-974
31 Three Methods of Control Flow Obfuscation on Java Software,International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,TAIPEI,2004,pages 4-9
32 Changing Data Type Method of Data Obfuscation on Java Software,International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,TAIPEI,2004,pages 5-6
33 Distributed and Parallel Execution of Java programs On a DSM System,Proceedings of International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid,Australia,South Brisbane,2001,pages 555-559
34 The Outlines And Prospects of Pilot Taiwan Health IC Card Project -- The Penghu (Pescadores) Experiment,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences,USA,Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada,2001,pages 215-221
35 Implementing FISC IC Card Specification and Developing Health Care Application Using Java Card,In Conference of the Multimedia Software Engineering,Taipei,2000,pages 184-192
36 The Pilot Taiwan Health IC Card Project: The Penghu(Pescadores) Experiment,Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2000, (SCI2000), volume X, Concepts and Applications of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,U.S.A.,Orlando, Florida,2007,pp.308-312
37 COOK: a Composable Object-Oriented Kernel,Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2000, (SCI2000), volume II,Information Systems Development,U.S.A,Orlando, Florida,2007,pp.395-400
38 Just Another Java Virtual Machine,In Proceedings of 14th Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-14),Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Tsing Hua University, Hisnchu,2000,5A-2.1-5A-2.7
39 Design, and Implementation of a Java ExecutionEnvironment,Proc. Of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, (ICPADS’98),Taiwan,Tainan,1999,pp.686~692
40 Operating System and JIT Support for a Java Virtual Machine,Proceedings of the Conference of Knowledge Economy and Information Technology,China,Hanchou,1998,
41 Solving Location Problem of a Mobile Host by an Agent Group,PIMRC'96 proceedings volume 2,Taiwan,Taipei,1996,pp.708-712
42 System Architectures of Distributed Shared Memory Systems: Research and Design,Proc. of 1992 International Computer Symposium,Taiwan,Taichung,1992,pp. 158-165
43 使用智慧型手機控制OSGi數位家電環境之設計,前瞻優質生活環境計畫-聯合成果發表會,台灣大學,2009
44 MHP Middleware與 OSGi整合家用多媒體裝置以UPnPAV設計與實作,數位生活科技研討會(Credit 2007),台灣,成功大學, 台南,2007
45 MHP Middleware與OSGi車載服務系統之設計與實現,第十七屆物件導向研討會,長庚大學, 桃園,2006
46 Weaknesses and Improvements of Secure Communication between Set-top Box and Smart Card in DTV Broadcasting,第16屆全國資訊安全會議,2006
47 探討無失真音效壓縮格式與實作網路串流媒體付費機制,2006年國際電腦音樂與音訊技術研討會,台灣,台南國立台灣師範大學,2006,pp. 46-53
48 Integration and Combination of MHP and OSGi,數位生活科技研討會 (Credit 2006)
49 從著作權法分析使用BT傳輸軟體之刑事責任及電腦鑑識程序初探,數位生活科技研討會 (Credit 2006)
50 The Improvement of VoIP QoS over MPLS Network,Proceeding of Mobile Computing Workshop 2006,Taiwan,Taichung,2006,p. 617-622
51 An Active Emerging Infectious Disease On-Line Surveillance Mechanism Based on NHI IC cards(2005 best paper award.),MIST2005,醫療資訊會議
52 Software Watermarking Toward Anti-additive Attack for Java,第15屆資訊安全會議,2005,pp.28
53 Tamper-proofing of Java Programs by Oblivious Hashing,The Eleventh Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing,2005
54 設計和應用供應鏈管理在鋼鐵業和鏍帽業,2003年資訊技術應用與發展研討會,2003,pp.525-528
55 Java Card 微處理器的設計與實作,Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,臺中健康暨管理學院,2002,pp. 495-499
56 智慧卡作業系統的驗證,Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,臺中健康暨管理學院,2002,pp. 67-72
57 An XML Parser for Embedded Applications,2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,2002
58 Design and Implementation of a Java Card Execution Environment,2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,2002,
59 Design and Implementation of the Java Abstract Window Toolkit for the Embedded Java Runtime Environment,Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applicatins,Taiwan,Natinal Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,pp. 225-230
60 The Design and Implementation of a Java-based Card Reader For IC Cards,(session 4D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan R.O.C. ,2001,
61 Design and Develop a Web-based Raw-Material Management Information System for the Nuts Industry,Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications,Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan,2001,pp. 265-269.
62 The Design and Implementation of a Java-based Card Reader For IC Cards,(session 4D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,
63 中國鋼鐵公司的電子商務發展(session 1D, Electronic form, no page number),Proceedings of Workshop on the 21st Centry Digital Life and Internet Technologies,Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2001,
64 以物件導向技術開發web-based的資訊管理系統的經驗,第十一屆物件導向技術及應用研討會論文集,東海大學,2000,A-31~A-35
65 A Component Manager for a Composable Object-Oriented Kernel,第十一屆物件導向技術及應用研討會論文集,東海大學,2000,p.C-30~C-37
66 移植Java Virtual Machine的研究與經驗,2000年網際網路與分散式系統研討會(Proceedings of 2000 Workshop on Internet & Distributed Systems, WIND2000),Taiwan, R.O.C,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,2000,75-82
67 Transforming Bytecodes of Java Loops for a Distributed Shared Memory System,Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing,Taiwan,National Sun Yat-Sun University, Kaoshiung,2000,pp.63-71
68 Quick_link: Java Virtual Machine中Quick Instruction替代方案,第十屆物件導向技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications),Taiwan, R.O.C.,National Chiao-Tung University, Hisnchu,1999,pp.84-93.
69 JCA: Java Class轉譯環境,1999分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications),Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,1999,pp.753-762.
70 支援Java平行計算之PC-Cluster原型,1999分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集(Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications),Taiwan,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,1999,pp.603-608.
71 應用於嵌入式JAVA虛擬機器之虛擬平台的規格與實作,1998分散式系統技術及應用研討會,1998,pp. 1~9
72 分散式平行計算程式之通訊軌跡收集與應用,1998分散式系統技術及應用研討會,1998,pp. 376~384
73 具繼承特性之物件群組導向模式,1997分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集,1997,pp.639~651
74 分散式異質物件之整合執行環境的研究,1997分散式系統技術及應用研討會論文集,1997,pp.622~638
75 A Multicast Wormhole Router for Ring-Clustered PCs,Proceedings of 1997 VLSI/CAD Symposium,Taiwan,Taichun,1997,
76 物件導向通訊系統-ORDERS之經驗,Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Applications,Taiwan,Tainan,1996,pp.242-251
77 分散式物件導向執行平台之建構,Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Applications,Taiwan,Tainan,1996,pp.232-241
78 O2MK : An Object-Oriented Microkernel,The Sixth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technologies and Application,Taiwan,Taichung,1995,pp.129-137
79 ORDERS共享空間與虛擬記憶體管理系統,1995 Workshop on High Performance Multiprocessor Systems,Taiwan,1995,pp.37-43
80 在Parton Kernel上即時排程器的設計與實現(The Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Scheduler for Parton Kernel),First Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems,Taiwan, ROC.,Taipei,1995,
81 一個支援設計及時作業系統的物件導向微核心,First Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems,Taiwan,Taipei ,1995,pp.379-385
82 ORDERS 物件導向通訊伺服器之設計與實現,Proceedings of 1995 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications,Taiwan,1995,pp.31-40
83 Design and Experiment of Routing Schemes for 2D Torus Message Passing Network,Proceedings of the First Workshop on Parallel Processing,Taiwan,Hsin Chu,1990,
84 An Adaptive Deadlock-free Router for Trous Interconnect Multicomputers,Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.714-722
85 Incomplete Low-dimensional Torus,Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.650-656
86 支援 MACRO C 之併行處理環境,Proceedings of National Computer Sumposium 1989,Taiwan,Taipei,1989,pp.650-656
87 VMM86: A Virtual Machine Monitor on 80386 for Virtualizing 8086 based Systems,Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1986,Taiwan,Taipei,1986,pp.660-668
88 A Virtual Machine Monitor for Multi-micro Systems,Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1985,Taiwan,Kaohsiung,1985,pp.340-348
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
1 逼近100%傳輸率的輸入佇列交換器的研究 具延展性分散式共用記憶體系統之研究(3/3)- 子計畫四:建於分散式共用記憶體結構的平行JAVA虛擬機器 國科會案件 0000 - 0000
2 參考計數垃圾收集器之設計與實做 NSC92-2213-E-006-045 國科會案件 2003 - 2004
3 Java反邊譯混淆器方法之設計與實作 NSC93-2213-E-006-105 國科會案件 2004 - 2005
4 Java 軟體防篡改技術 NSC94-2213-E006-078 國科會案件 2005 - 2006
5 使用Java Card建置資訊系統電子憑証環境之可行性研究 NSC94-2623-7-006-006 國科會案件 2005 - 2006
6 智慧型全域學習與管理系統之設計與實作-使用智慧ID之無所不在的e-learning服務環境之研究 NSC95-2221-E-006-231 -MY3 國科會案件 2006 - 2009
7 嵌入式多核心處理器系統軟體開發 NSC96-2218-E-006-285 國科會案件 2007 - 2008
8 嵌入式多核心平台開放系統與應用軟體開發 NSC3197-2218-E-006-015 國科會案件 2008 - 2009
9 車用消費性電子設備防盜模組,NSC97-2218-E-006-286 國科會案件 2008 - 2009
10 使用Java的中介軟體的快速啟動、可復原機制與平台弱點的研究,NSC98-2221-E-006-103 國科會案件 2009 - 2010
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
編號 計劃名稱 類型 起迄年份
1 群集計算之高速連接網路之研究 其他 0 - 0
2 中央健康保險局澎湖地區健保IC卡第六期實驗計畫 其他 0000 - 0000
3 中央健康保險局澎湖地區健保IC卡第五期實驗計畫 其他 0000 - 0000
4 Java Card Security 之研究 其他 0000 - 0000
5 高效能switch之佇列研究 其他 0000 - 0000
6 XML parser 與browser之研究 其他 0000 - 0000
7 中央健康保險局澎湖地區健保IC卡第四期實驗計畫 其他 0000 - 0000
8 嵌入式Java Class Lib最佳化移植 其他 0000 - 0000
9 上網確認卡 其他 0000 - 0000
10 中央健康保險局澎湖地區健保IC卡第三期實驗計畫 其他 0000 - 0000
11 嵌入式Java VM 其他 0000 - 0000
12 整合健保IC卡PIN CODE及Database filter之隱私保護機制之研究 其他 2003 - 2003
13 93年大專校院資訊人才培育計畫 其他 2004 - 2004
14 紅外線小額付款機制之研究 其他 2004 - 2004
15 Multimedia Home Platform 中介軟體設計建議 其他 2005 - 2005
16 嵌入式軟體課程推廣計畫 其他 2005 - 2005
17 先進無線數位家庭通訊與儲存技術計畫 其他 2005 - 2005
18 健保IC卡之毀損原因及降低毀損率方案之可行性研究 其他 2005 - 2005
19 開放式服務平台(OSGi)與多媒體家用平台(MHP)整合之研究 其他 2005 - 2005
20 多媒體家用平台與通用隨插即用影音平台之整合應用 其他 2006 - 2006
21 嵌入式軟體課程推廣計畫 其他 2006 - 2006
22 e-Service 平台上之資源監控與管理 其他 2006 - 2006
23 整合式車輛晶片卡之應用模組研究 其他 2006 - 2006
24 車輛金鑰應用技術之研究 其他 2007 - 2007
25 手持式裝置用OSGi服務間的相依性技術先期研究 其他 2007 - 2007
26 SVC FGS在PAC DSP上的實作 其他 2007 - 2007
27 96年度資通訊人才培育先導型計畫「數位家庭平台標準與架構」 其他 2007 - 2008
28 97年資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-課程發展計畫 其他 2008 - 2008
編號 專書名稱 作者 年份
1 軟體工程-物件導向程式設計與UML系統分析實作 侯廷偉 2004
2 嵌入式系統設計-以ARM處理器基礎之SOC平台 侯廷偉 2006
編號 專利名稱 專利權人 年份
1 以條碼定址的播音方法 孫冠宏,侯廷偉,黃敏雄
2 以條碼定址的播放裝置 孫冠宏,侯廷偉
編號 技轉名稱 技轉對象 年份
編號 榮譽事項 年份
1 83年工程科學系教學優良教師 1994
2 86年工程科學系教學優良教師 1997
3 87年工程科學系教學優良教師 1998
4 93年工程科學系教學優良教師 2004
5 94年指導王怡婷,楊佳翰,張聖安,黃啟智,洪翊軒所共同設計 "Java加速器" 參加Tensilica 2005年 Xtensa 可配置設計大賽"設計比賽全國第三名 2005
6 94年指導學生黃志文參加2005國際醫學資訊研討會(MIST2005)榮獲最佳論文獎 2005
7 指導學生(王怡婷,黃啟智,洪翊軒,張聖安)參加94年Tensilica 2005年Xtensa可配置式處理器設計大賽全國第三名 2005
8 94年國防科技學術合作研究計畫成果優良獎 2005
9 94年工程科學系教學優良教師 2005
10 95年獲國科會指導大專生參與專題研究計畫獲研究創作獎 2006
11 指導學生(張聖安,黃啟智,洪翊軒,張書源)參加IOSESC2006-Automotive PC(International Open Source Embedded Software Competition)國際開放原始程式嵌入式軟體競賽通過初賽(目前在決賽中) 2006
12 95年參與教育部『通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫』編撰教科書,經評選為優良教科書 2006
13 95年工學院教學特優教師 2006
14 97年指導學生參加中華電信『2008電信加值應用大賽』獲資通訊技術應用組冠軍 2008
15 97年指導學生參加第九屆台灣工業銀行創業大賽獲第三名 2008
16 97年工程科學系教學優良教師 2008
17 98年指導學生參加中華電信『2009電信奧斯卡』資通訊技術應用組第一名 2009
18 98學年度全校教學優良教師 2009
19 98學年度工學院優良導師 2009
20 成功大學98學年度全校特優導師 2010
編號 活動名稱 活動類型 年份
1 指導學生林峪台,榮獲104年度大學生研究計畫研究創作獎 作品發表會 2015
2 指導參加東海大學「第一屆全國電動車創新設計與實作競賽」,路賽競賽獲得佳作、工作報告書評選榮獲第一名 作品發表會 2018
3 指導同學榮獲成大主辦2019年第二屆全國電動車創新設計與實作競賽,靜態設計報告第一名 作品發表會 2019
4 指導博士班孫文良及碩士班林正益、詹凱程、劉川榮、杜晉瑋,榮獲2020第25屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽資訊應用組第二名 學術研討會 2020